Altair Ethernet & Internet Connection

General discussions related to the Altair 8800 Clone
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Altair Ethernet & Internet Connection

Post by virtualaltair »

There are at least two Altairs with an IP address on the internet. One Altair uses a Serial to Ethernet Server and the other has an ITX based computer inside the Clone case.

One Altair uses Telnet and the other uses Virtual COM ports on a Windows PC. Telnet can also be implemented for the Serial to Ethernet Server and TCP connections are possible.

One Altair SYSOP is trying to set up a BBS. Another SYSOP wants an RCP/M.

One Altair is sometimes a Clone and sometimes an original Altair. Vector Graphic S-100 mainframes, MSDOS machines or any RS-232 device can use a Serial to Ethernet Server.

Are there other Altairs on the Internet? I'm using a $150 server. Is anyone using one of the under $50 or under $25 Serial to Ethernet Servers I see on eBay?

I have a few answers and many questions. The Internet is my virtual RS-232 cable and I would like to connect with other Altairs and SYSOPS to get more answers.
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