Altair CP/M without a disk controller

Discuss construction, troubleshooting, and operation of the Altair 8800c computer

Altair CP/M without a disk controller

Postby AltairClone » October 29th, 2023, 1:16 pm

I have created a version of CP/M 2.2 for the Altair that does not require a disk controller. Instead, disk transfers are done through the second port on an 88-2SIO serial interface board and disk images are served from a PC. The server on the PC is the same server program that works with the Altair FDC+ controller.

This CP/M is particularly well suited for use with Martin Eberhard’s 88-2SIOJP board since it supports baud rates as high as 76.8K. At this rate, performance is as good or better than original Altair versions of CP/M from Lifeboat and Burcon. An original 88-2SIO can run at 19.2K baud – and this works – but it does feel slower than a disk system. ... 20(88-2SIO)/

Mike D
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Re: Altair CP/M without a disk controller

Postby Wayne Parham » October 29th, 2023, 5:50 pm

Dude, that is really awesome! Super groovy cool!!!
Wayne Parham
Posts: 247
Joined: March 18th, 2022, 3:01 pm

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