Version "A" of Altair (Burcon) CP/M 2.2

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Version "A" of Altair (Burcon) CP/M 2.2

Postby AltairClone » March 9th, 2014, 10:12 pm

The original version of Altair CP/M 2.2 uses the first port of a 2SIO board as the console, reader and punch (CON, RDR and PUN) . The 88-LPC Line Printer Controller is used as the list device (LST). CP/M’s IOBYTE function – which allows reassignment of CP/M logical devices to different physical devices – is not implemented.

Version 2.2a of Altair CP/M implements the IOBYTE feature which is required for proper operation of some programs (e.g., Kermit) and allows use of a wider variety of I/O devices than the original version. Several Altair I/O devices are supported including the SIO board at 0/1, both ports on the 2SIO board, the 88-ACR cassette interface board (SIO at 6/7) and the 88-LPC line printer controller.

The CPM2.2A folder is inside the CPM 2.2 folder accessible from the CP/M link on the support page ( ... PM%202.2A/). The folder contains an updated MOVCPM file, MOVCPMA, that generates the new "A" version of CP/M which can then be written to disk using the SYSGEN utility. MOVCPMA can be moved to the target system using PCGET or other file transfer utility.

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Re: Version "A" of Altair (Burcon) CP/M 2.2

Postby Synoptic » March 10th, 2014, 12:06 pm

with that CPM, would it be possible to have 2 (2)SIO connected to the same console (same session, but on two (2)SIO) ? I'm asking this because I would like to find a way to interact with an already running CPM session from a second (2)SIO port.
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Re: Version "A" of Altair (Burcon) CP/M 2.2

Postby AltairClone » March 10th, 2014, 1:48 pm

Using the STAT command, the console could be switched back and forth between the two 2SIO serial ports during a session, however, the second port could not monitor or interject commands into the active console port's session. That is the type of ability provided by programs like "BYE."

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Re: Version "A" of Altair (Burcon) CP/M 2.2

Postby jibanes » March 10th, 2014, 2:16 pm

This implies that we can now script operations such as a "GET FILENAME" which would start a batched operation to kermit to retrieve a file through the second port to a kermit server and give back the console to the operator and report success or failure of the file retrieval operation, same with PUT, which therefore allows nearline storage to a central repository. Amongst other uses.
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Re: Version "A" of Altair (Burcon) CP/M 2.2

Postby Synoptic » March 10th, 2014, 2:41 pm

AltairClone wrote:Using the STAT command, the console could be switched back and forth between the two 2SIO serial ports during a session, however, the second port could not monitor or interject commands into the active console port's session. That is the type of ability provided by programs like "BYE."


I need to get that BYE working...
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